Pawwy Springs Devlog #1: Our Journey Begins

Hello everyone! Welcome to the first devlog for Pawwy Springs: Chosen to Troll. We're excited to share our journey with you as we bring this whimsical adventure to life.

In the past few weeks, we've made significant progress on the game's core mechanics. Pawwy can now interact with various objects in the environment, and we've added several new puzzles for players to solve. Check out these screenshots of Pawwy in action!

Next, we're focusing on expanding the game's storyline and adding more intricate puzzles. We're also working on the audio design to ensure the soundtrack perfectly complements the game's atmosphere. This is one of our voice actors:

We’d love to hear your thoughts on our progress so far. What do you think of Pawwy's design? Do you have any suggestions for puzzles or story elements? Let us know in the comments below!

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9 days ago

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